Work often means I tend to join this party a little on the late side. I say a little but really I am quite late here. Nonetheless clichés permitting better late than...
I do enjoy a good Book Blogger Hop though the timing doesn't always suit me. The Book Blogger Hop is hosted over at
Crazy for Books and this weeks question is
How many blogs do you follow?
Well I follow a fair few. Since you might be looking for a precise amount, I'm afraid I can't give you one as it's about to change considering I'm ff hopping s soon as I post this. It's around 150 I think.
Trouble is I don't get to as many as I want to daily cause I get home pretty late and well life often gets in the way and dictates the pace at which I blog let alone follow.
I do have a few that I'm addicted to and check out almost daily. Generally with all the blogs I follow even though I may not leave comments...I'm reading. I'm still working on my time management skills to get it all together. Ha!

Also I'm hosting a giveaway.
The I HEART Jeremy Giveaway. I've had a few emails for extensions so I thought why not a few more weeks...considering there's a task involved. So feel free to get in there!
As always Happy Hopping....