Monday, 10 May 2010

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? #3

This is a weekly event, where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It's hosted by One Persons Journey Through a World of Books.

Right so I only managed reading the one book again and even that took some doing. It wasn't the book's fault mostly mine. I've been very busy this week trying to sort my life out, with potential Masters Degree and Job Hunt. No to mention that since yesterday I've been having THE WORST CRAMPS IN THE WORLD...EVER!!!

I wish I could read more than one book at once but I can't tends to enjoy only one story at a time.

Upcoming Reviews, can be seen in the marquee above all my moves :) 

The Jeremy - Snaps Of The DragonLast week I finished reading:The Jeremy-Snaps of the Dragon by Jo S. Wun.

My Championship YearFudokiI'm Currently engrossed in: Fudoki by Kij Johnson & My Championship Year by Jenson Button (this doesn't count as reading 2 at once as I'm really not reading the latter properly yet just a smidge)

Last ConcubineThe Pissed-Off Parents ClubOn Deck for Next Read: The Pissed-Off Parents Club by Mink Elliot & The Last Concubine by Lesley Downer.

Any new books?...Why yes simply click my Mail on Sunday, sidebar pic, all new books will be pictured there.

I am also thinking about changing the look of my blog...I like it but it's not totally me and because I'm still new and relatively clueless to CSS, HTML and Java...I'm not sure how to make it more me...well I might just leave but I might not who knows...I also need to top up on my pain killers...I hate cramps!

Well that's to post a's been a while, I keep writing them and forgetting to post! I AM occasionally silly like that.

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Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

The Last Concubine sounds and looks good! Enjoy your books - :)

Sam McCall said...

The Pissed off Parents Club sounds fun. I like that you have a variety of books in your cache. I know I tend to sometimes read all of the same kind of books and I need to snap out of that lol

Sa Toya said...

I think so too Sheila...I hope it's awesome!

Sa Toya said...

Reading Rainbow lurve your name! I think it would be fun and cheers I just lurve all kinds of books even though I have a main 3.