Saturday, 8 May 2010

Saturday Spotlight: Favourite Mystery MALE Author

Saturday Spotlight is all about showcasing something new on all things lit. Not to mention the discovery of authors, characters, places, blogs and series. I it hosted by the lovely Lori of Lori's Reading Corner.
This week it's all about Favourite Male Mystery Authors.

For me this is a tough one. I do read the occasional mystery but more so thrillers. Does that count?

Anywho I'd have to go with Stieg Larsson. I absolutely lurve the book The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I read this book a long time ago and then my fun reading suffered due to university....I spent most of my time reading for tutorials and reading around the subject for better understanding and blah blah blah. So I never finished the trilogy. Now that I'm all over books again... I'm getting the other two books to finish off The Millennium trilogy. 2nd place goes to James Patterson, not much to say there really...he's an exceptional write; he lost out to Stieg because Girl with a Dragon Tattoo blew me away and really got me into Crime/Mystery/Thrillers. Subsequently James' books. I'm simply giving credit where it's due and I'm extremely loyal.

So who exactly is Stieg Larsson? Well he was a journalist and a writer. He was born in northern Sweden in 1954. His parents were too young and unable to afford raising him so he was raised by his grandparents. His grand father was very influential in shaping the man Stieg became. His father was imprisoned at a work camp for anti-Nazi beliefs, as such he is a firm believer in equal rights and freedom of speech. He later on became an activist.

He changed his name fro Stig to Stieg to avoid problems with his friend Stig who became an established author well before he did. Stieg died of a massive heart attack on 9 November, 2004 in Stockholm and his books were published posthumously. He was only 50 years old. I wish he lived long enough to see the impact of his work. Over 27 million copies of his trilogy have been sold all over the world.
He was also an avid sci-fi fan!

This of course is just the know if you want to get to know the man behind The Millennium Trilogy then why not go to the official website.

That's it from me...if you've not read these books before YOU SHOULD! I'm already hooked and am getting the rest.

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Jo said...

I think I've seen this book mentioned, but I didn't realize it's a mystery (i.e. I never checked). Now I'll definitely have to check it out. =)

Minding Spot said...

I have The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo on Mt. TBR but havent read it yet. I have heard many wonderful things about it!! Might have to move it up!!

Sa Toya said...

Jo I think it's a mystery/thriller. It's really good...maybe I should do a review...Deff check it out!

Sa Toya said...

Wendy it's totally worth moving up..have you seen the film..I haven't yet...I really want to!

Thanks to you both for commenting

VH said...

We have never heard of this writer or any of his books but now are inspired to hunt some of his works down. Great writeup!