Saturday, 12 June 2010

Bloggiesta conmigo!

Meet Pedro: Plan. Edit. Develop. Review. Organise!
Join the Bloggiesta: It's a challene from 11th-13th and anyone can join at anytime before the end. Here's where you go>>>Maw's Book Blog.
My aims are simple and are things I've been meaning to do but Procrastination always gets the BEST of me.

  1. Sorting out my RSS feed and making it easily discoverable.
  2. Finding out more about stats and setting that up.
  3. Adding links to where I can be found and making them easily discoverable.
  4. Blog copy writing.
  5. How to blog better, faster and stronger...especially now that I've got a job WAHOO!!!
  6. Sorting my blog out on Blog Directories.
I hope I can complete all these challenges in time so here I go!

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Tara Martin said...

Good luck with bloggiesta! I'm having a lot of fun with it. :)

Sa Toya said...

Cheers guys I hope I get it sorted too!