Thursday, 15 July 2010

Booking Through Thursday: HOT!

A weekly meme where you simply go to Booking Through Thursdayand make a post answering the question or about the topic. It's a discussion meme on lit related matters.

Well, folks, I don’t know about where you are, but right here, it’s HOT.
So … when you think about “hot reading,” what does that make you think of? Beach reading? Steamy romances? Books that take place in hot climates? Or cold ones?

It's mostly hot where I am too, with the odd light shower here and there. Hmm...what exactly is "hot reading"? and more importantly what does hot reading mean to me?
*I'm thinking this as I type-no fore thought here, so this is where I pause to really think about defining hot reading*

Hot reading 
(adj.) 1. an amazing read. A book that caught me and held on till the end. One that even after reading still holds a special place in my heart and on my shelf. One that I go back to whether it's, reading it in its entirety, chapters of favourite scenes.
2. fine ass man reading....a future baby daddy that lurves books as much as me. Simply man+book=hot reading.

(slang) it is also steamy, arousing, know what I mean-reading for the older boys and girls. Not sleazy, steamy.But intelligent, romantic, hot, sophisticated sexy steamy. 
Well there you go the definition of hot reading according to The Sa Toya Dictionary.

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Bev Hankins said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love your definition #2!

Sa Toya said...

Cheers..thanks for stopping by mine too...

Anonymous said...

Fun and thoughtful list of definitions. As for #2, a man who can converse about books is indeed guaranteed to always be stimulating company!

Harris Channing said...

Yep, that's pretty much a steamy read! Thanks for stopping by blog!