Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Waiting on Wednesday: The Forbidden Sea

Waiting on Wendnesday is hosted by Breaking The Spine and is a weekly event all about upcoming release we can't wait to get into!
This Wednesday I have found a book that drew me in yet again because of it's cover and it's title- The Forbidden Sea by Sheila A. Nielson. Out July 1st 2010.  At some point I hope to choose a book where I'm not enticed by the cover :D
From Goodreads:

When Adrianne comes face-to-face with the mermaid of Windwaithe Island, she is convinced that the mermaid means her harm. After all, the island is steeped in stories of mermaids' curses and the ill-luck that they bring. But Adrianne is fierce-willed and courageous and is determined to protect her family and the islanders from danger. Yet when the islanders find out about Adrianne's encounters with the mermaid, her family is scorned. They believe that once active, the mermaid cannot be quieted until an islander sacrifices herself to the sea. But is the legend true? And will their fear make them force Adrienne to test it? This is a haunting story of love, surrender and strength.
I lurve Mermaids and am excited about this book. What do you think?

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Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I've never read this author...fabulous sounding blurb, though, and I love that cover.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

Kris (Voracious YAppetite) said...

The cover for this book is awesome. There are quite a few mermaid releases this year. Great pick!

Jan von Harz said...

Sounds like a great mermaid tale.

Spellboundbybooks Mel said...

This sounds awesome!! Love the cover too. Great pick for this week

Sa Toya said...

Cheers guys I am totally looking forward to it.

Book Sake said...

This one looks so goood!

Our pick is at BookSake.

Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

This one looks awesome!! I love any books with a mermaid :)