Saturday, 17 April 2010

Filmage Friday # 1

Well there's so much in Blogger I seem to not get. I posted this and its accompanying book review earlier, did some editing and then clicked save...little did I realise that meant it would become a draft not an actual post. It's lucky that I'm staying awake to watch F1 qualifiers, or I would not have noticed. I tell ya lately it's always something.
Dear JohnSo what is Filmage Friday/ Friday Filmage (which sounds better to you)? Well this explains it all.

This week it's Dear John by Nicholas Sparks. This book found me before my blog. I lurve this book...everyone should read it. It grabs you and takes you on an emotional journey. You could feel the love, the hurt, the joy, the sadness. His writing style is easy to read yet with an air of sophistication.There's just something about a man who knows love and romance, especially one that can depict it with words. Full book review tomorrow!
Well there's only one thing to do with a book so litfully gorgeous...apart from reading it of course; is making a film. Dear John stars Channing Tatum (*yummy* *yummy* *drool*) and Amanda Seyfried. I think the casting was spot on, they both suited what I visually interpreted when reading the book.

Here's the trailer!

Well I really enjoyed the movie but was still VERY disappointed with the ending and some other details that were totally changed. It left me feeling blah. I wanted more I didn't go into it expecting it to be just like the book but to leave out some of the vital/pivotal elements well it just leaves you craving more. I don't want to go into depth because I wouldn't want to spoil it for anyone.
In the trailer on telly it says best romance film of the year...I think not but that does not mean it's bad. It's actually quite good.The acting was superb; you still feel the love and connection between John and Savannah despite the changes. It makes you really appreciate love and all that loving entails. Even though I was VERY disappointed with the end and other things, I am happy seeing the characters come to life. I laughed, cried and felt like I was in love too...yeah a lil cheesy but I did!
It's a really good film...subtle yet potent like the book. In a way the ending in the movie took away the surge of emotions I felt from the book's ending, so in that respect it gave me what wanted but didn't take me ALL the way there.
The problem was I love his book The Notebook and am completely besotted with its film adaptation that I had high expectations for this one...perhaps too high.
Verdict: I will be getting it on DVD...I really liked it...just didn't lurve it. Totally disappointed with bits of it but on the plus Channing Tatum is scrumdidillyumcious. Good acting, great lines, a film that sucks you in...I was teary eyed! It would have been AMAZING had more of the book been in it. It's probably amazing to those who haven't read the book first or have and are totally liberal.
It's no Notebook that's for sure but it's definitely worth the watch. Read the book though...ONE HELL OF A GOOD BOOK. My favourite by Mr. Sparks.


Anonymous said...

Like the new look of your blog :-)

Sa Toya said...

Cheers! :D I literally just emailed you!