Now I need some help making my mind up abut this book I'm writing and all my other writing endeavours. I post updates on such things here but was wondering if I should make Paper, Pens & Lipgloss striclty about books and oher litty things and have a separate blog solely dedicated to my wriing.
I do have another blog that I have since neglected wholesale since February because I threw all my focus into this one. So I was thinking maybe I should convert that one to my writer's blog. OR should I just operate as is????
I'm really bad at making decisions on things like these so HELP ME!!!! PLEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAASSSSSSEEEEEE.
Yeah a tad over dramatic but I can be at times. I'm happy to take suggestions :D
Cheers guys!
The 'money quote' from your post:
"I do have another blog that I have neglected wholesale since February because I threw all my focus into this one"
I'd stick with this one. Trying to maintain two, each with a narrow-ish focus, may just end up as two luke warm blogs rather than one vibrant blog.
My opinion: No need to fence yourself in, don't be too strict with yourself. If you've got something to say, say it here. If we think it's crap we'll say so :D
Like they used to say back in the days when people were 'groovy', let it all hang out!
I've got 4 different blogs on the go! One for my writing, one is a book review blog, one is for everyday family and interests stuff and the last one is for dieting.
I'll start a new blog whenever I think up a new theme. That way I have more blogs to decorate around one idea and things don't get mixed up.
I think you should make a separate writing and book review blog. Go for it, make as many blogs as you like!
I realise this totally contradicts what joswun said. But to each her own, eh? lol
I don't see a problem with keeping the same way. I talk about my writing and do reviews on my blog. Since its all book related, I think it works well :)
Well I've kinda mixed mine up a little. Having the writing Giveaway and some of my own writing on a Thursday.
I think it depends on how much you want to share with people. If there is alot you would love to share about your writing. Maybe have 2 blogs. That way you can design your writing blog entirely on the stuff you intend to post on there.
Entirely up to you. Nothing wrong with have a book blog with your own writing included.
I say, do what you want! I have two different blogs, too... for totally different purposes! When I get tired of one, I write the other for a while. I like being able to give myself options :)
PS: Thanks for stopping by BOOK LOVE!
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