Saturday, 5 June 2010

My Wishlist #5

This is a weekly post on the books I'm craving but haven't gotten around to getting them yet. It's hosted by Book Chick City.
I'm still ill but feeling a little better now, so it's back to business with PPL. So what exactly am I wishing for this week? Well... I have to say it's a combination of story/plot and cover lovin'. All these books have great covers.
The Pace Series: The Pace and The Broken Lake are the two books out so far and I really want them. I just love the stroyline; immortality very interesting.

The Pace by Shelena Shorts
Release Date: Aug 2009
Publisher: Lands Atlantic Publishing LLC
The Broken Lake by Shelena Shorts

Release Date: Aug 2010
Publisher: Lands Atlantic Publishing LLC

The third book is one I've seen on a few blogs. It is Angel Star by Jennifer Murgia. Another goodplot with a hint of mystery.

Release Date: May 2010
Publisher: Lands Atlantic Publishing LLC
Paperback: 256 pages

That's it for my wishlist this week! Feels good to be back.

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Amy said...

Looks like some good reading hope you get them all!

Unknown said...

What a wonderful wishlist, I loved The Pace, and just got my copy of The Broken Lake - I cant WAIT to read it. I also really enjoyed Angel Star, I hope you do as well!


Anonymous said...

I want to read The Pace and Angel Star too :)

Here's what's on my wishlist.

Shera (Book Whispers) said...

Fantastic books!!! I love the cover of the Pace books.

Sa Toya said...

Cheers Jenn actually I read your Angel Star review the other day and that's what really got me into Cheers to you!

Sa Toya said...

Cheers guys I hope I get them too.

Spellboundbybooks Mel said...

Ohh Great wishlist. Hope you get a hold of these soon